Social Media Policy for Official Noorda-COM Social Media Platforms

Noorda-COM encourages participation in social media to facilitate internal and external communication and to strengthen the college’s impression and share its mission among target audiences. Social media, when used responsibly, enhances the connection with current and prospective students, parents, donors, faculty, staff, community leaders, and other key audiences.

The following policy serves as a guideline for official Noorda-COM social media platforms, to ensure professionality and communication consistency.


The Office of Institutional Advancement will oversee the Noorda-COM presence on key social media networking sites and evaluate whether to launch a presence on new sites as they become available. When new sites are launched by individual campus departments, staff will be trained on best practices, communications strategies, and policies for those sites. Departments will have responsibility to manage sites working closely with the Office of Institutional Advancement.

The Office of Institutional Advancement is the primary manager of all official social media accounts and has authority to create, manage, remove, or edit any content (or content interactions) on the official platforms. Content will be reviewed before posting to ensure that no illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing on intellectual property rights, or invasive of privacy or otherwise injurious content is posted. When departments are mentioned in a post, the Office of Advancement will collaborate with them to ensure that all information is accurate. Occasionally, the Office of Advancement may consult with college leadership, the Dean’s Council, the Website & Social Platforms Committee, or other administration, on social media issues.

All policies, procedures, and guidelines regarding Noorda-COM trademarks, names, and symbols apply to social media sites. The Office of Institutional Advancement can offer guidance about how to properly use names, logos, etc., and to resolve branding and copyright/trademark issues in these venues. Before launching a social media site, employees of Noorda-COM must consult the Office of Institutional Advancement to ensure compliance with the policies listed above. Further instruction and guidance from the Office of Institutional Advancement will be offered if/as departments create social media profiles.



Protect Confidential and Proprietary Information
Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Noorda-COM, its students, employees, or affiliated partners. All employees and students must follow the applicable federal and state laws and regulations, such as FERPA and HIPAA, and all Noorda-COM privacy and confidentiality policies.

Follow Proper Privacy Procedures in Posting Images

Posting of still pictures, video, or audio of an individual or small group, where the person(s) can be readily identified, requires a written agreement by featured parties. (Email, text message, or other forms of tangible communication are acceptable.) In contrast, photos, videos, or audio of large crowds or which do not show individual faces do not require a signed agreement.

Respect Copyright and Fair Use

When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of Noorda-COM.

Do not use Noorda-COM Logos for Endorsements

The use of the Noorda-COM logo or any other images or iconography on personal sites or sites that are not administered by the college is prohibited with the exception of Noorda-COM student clubs and interest groups who receive prior approval from the Office of Institutional Advancement for the use of the logo

Respect Noorda-COM Time and Property
Noorda-COM issued computers and time on the job are reserved for college-related business as approved by supervisors. Noorda-COM property may be used for social media if the faculty and staff are actively participating in a professional capacity.



Use High Quality Photos

Avoid infographics or pictures with text overlay. Fit pictures according to optimal image sizing guidelines. (I.e. Instagram Story dimensions are different than a typical post.) Post pictures related to the caption and avoid usage of stock photos. Pictures may be edited by Institutional Advancement employee(s) to fit brand consistency standards.

Think Twice Before Posting

Privacy does not exist in the realm of social media. Keep in mind the unintended consequences of comments, story replies, direct messages, or other communications being forwarded or copied. Search engines can show posts years after they are created. A good rule of thumb would be: if the comment would not be appropriate to be made at a conference or meeting, placed on a local billboard, or shared with a member of the media, consider whether it should be posted online. If questions arise whether something should be posted or commented on, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Strive for Accuracy

Get the facts straight before posting on social media. Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. This is especially important when posting on behalf of Noorda-COM in any capacity.

Accurately Represent Oneself, Be Honest and Maintain Civility

Be open and honest about one’s identity and relationship to Noorda-COM. Write in the first person and do not use the institution’s social media profiles for personal use. Verify facts before posting or commenting on content; do not make unsubstantiated claims. All statements of fact that are not personal, first-hand knowledge must include a reference/cite or source and provide links to sources, whenever possible. Do not initiate conflicts or display hostility. Monitor emotions in order to respond to all comments with respect and dignity. When appropriate, provide accurate information if misinformation or falsehoods are posted.

Remember Your Audience

Be aware that a presence in the social media world is – or easily can be – made available to the public at large. This includes prospective students, current students, employers, colleagues, the media, and peers. Consider this before publishing to ensure the posting will not potentially alienate, harm, or provoke any groups.

Monitor the Sites

It is the responsibility of the Noorda-COM employees who manage institutional social media sites to regularly monitor for unacceptable behavior and to remove content that is inappropriate or offensive. That responsibility will be made clear to the employees as well as expectations for timing of their monitoring behavior. If a repeat offender is identified, appropriate steps must be taken to block that person from posting on the college’s site.

This policy was reviewed and revised in May 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (