Non-Academic Health Professionals Policy           

Noorda-COM faculty will not provide medical treatment or consultation of medical advice to students except in emergency situations while awaiting emergency response. This includes any student-related health concerns that may be incidentally found during Clinical and/or OMM lab and other “hands on” learning scenarios. In the rare event that a physical exam finding is deemed to be of emergent care, the student should be recommended to seek appropriate care or initiate emergency response system.

Students may seek health care advice and/or treatment from non-Noorda faculty off campus by scanning the QR Code printed on the back of the badge.

Faculty and/or clinical preceptors who may have seen a current student as a patient must recuse themselves from any student related summative evaluations, student promotion committee votes, academic assessment, and/or promotion. Faculty and/or clinical preceptors who treated a student in the healthcare setting prior to matriculation are not permitted to recuse themselves from any student related summative evaluations, student promotion committee votes, academic assessment, and/or promotion.

The student, faculty and/or clinical preceptor must immediately notify the Department of Clinical Education to ensure that the proper adjustments are made accordingly. This policy should in no way limit or replace the faculty advising activities or other appropriate service to Noorda-COM and its students.

This policy was reviewed and revised in March 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (