Leave of Absence Policy
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a period of non-enrollment during which students are not considered to be working toward their degree. An LOA can also be used to accommodate students experiencing situations that significantly affect their ability to fully participate in the requirements of the degree program or to accommodate students who wish to interrupt the normal course of study for the purpose of engaging in research, fellowship, and/or creative scholarship.
Once an extended absence extends to 42 days (6 weeks) the student must request a Leave of Absence. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs considers recommendations for a Leave of Absence for a leave of over 42 days (6 weeks) with or without conditions. Conditions are commonly prescribed in cases of academic deficiency or medically related issues.
This policy was reviewed and revised in March 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (adlevine@noordacom.org).