Dean’s Message 

Dr. John Dougherty Founding Dean of Noorda COM

Welcome to the latest issue of the Noorda-COM Navigator.  There is so much happening within the Noorda-COM family and we are pleased to share this update with you.  The top priority for all of us has been planning for Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) pre-accreditation site visit scheduled which is taking place this week.

The COCA site team is virtually meeting with a variety of individuals including board members, faculty, and campus leadership during their visit.  This is the next step toward Noorda-COM receiving pre-accreditation status, which will be on COCA’s agenda for its December 4th meeting.

I want to commend all the members of the Noorda-COM family who have worked so diligently on preparing for this site visit.  It is our hope that the accreditation team will see what we all know – that Noorda-COM is a very special place, which has the potential to revolutionize medical school education.


Dr. John Dougherty
Founding Dean and Chief Academic Officer

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