Security and Public Safety Policy                 

Noorda-COM is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all members of the College community and associated facilities, including those at off-site clinical education experiences.

Identification/Building Access Cards
Noorda-COM is a closed-campus thus, utilizing a control system only granting access to holders with a proper identification badge. College members must have their badge on their person, preferably in the upper torso region. Identification badges must be presented when requested by any member of Noorda-COM administration, staff, or faculty. Individuals are prohibited from transferring identification badges to others or granting access to non-Noorda-COM personnel.

Identification badges are issued by the Security Department during student orientation and employee onboarding. College members must return their identification badge upon termination and graduation. Lost, stolen, or misplaced identification badges must immediately be reported to the Security Department for deactivation. A replacement fee will be charged at the individual’s expense by Student Affairs or Human Resources.

Motor Vehicles and Parking
Parking on Noorda-COM property is strictly prohibited without a proper parking pass. Parking passes are issued by the Security Department during student orientation and employee onboarding. The pass must be visibly displayed in the vehicle at all times. Failure to properly display the pass may result in a citation at the owner’s expense. Individuals are prohibited from transferring parking passes to others or to non-Noorda-COM personnel. Lost, stolen, or misplaced passes must immediately be reported to the Security Department. A replacement fee will be charged at the owner’s expense. One pass will be issued per person. Limited visitor parking is available on site. Limited visitor parking available on site.

To ensure the safety of our visitors and proper use of our parking, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Contact Security if you observe any hazards in the parking areas.
  • Always lock your vehicle and remove any valuables. Noorda-COM is not responsible for any damage to or theft from your vehicle. All directional, speed limit and stop signs throughout the school property must be observed. Do not park illegally or in fire lanes. Cars parked in these areas are subject to citation and/or towing.
  • Overnight parking is not normally permitted. Advanced permission from the Security Department is required to park your car overnight.
  • Trailers are not permitted in the parking areas.
  • Handicapped spaces are reserved for disabled persons only. Cars illegally parked in these areas are subject to citation and/or towing.
  • All vehicles must be parked in a designated parking area and may occupy only one space.

Security System & Staff
Student and employee safety measures include the utilization of access control and CCTV systems for the campus. All members of the College community are encouraged to remain alert and aware when on campus and/or associated facilities, to keep personal items out of sight, and to keep their vehicles locked. Security officers patrol campus to prevent and deter crime, help in emergencies, render assistance and escorts, enforce parking regulations, and serve as the repository for lost and found items.

Campus security is authorized to detain individuals who engage in illegal and criminal actions. Suspected criminal violators will be turned over to the Provo City Police and/or other local law enforcement agencies. In the case of an emergency situation outside normal business hours, individuals should first dial 911 then contact the Security Department.

Reporting Criminal Activity and Other Campus Emergencies
All individuals are encouraged to report any criminal activity, suspicion of criminal activity, accidents, and other emergencies to the Noorda-COM Security Department. Reports of a crime may be kept confidential unless otherwise determined by federal, state, and local laws.

Reporting Clerkship Problems
At times, safety and security concerns/issues may arise during a clerkship. General concerns should be professionally addressed directly to the preceptor, core site coordinator, DME/ DIO or Noorda-COM Clinical Clerkship Coordinator. Immediate concerns (harassment, student, and patient safety, etc.) should be reported directly to the Assistant Dean of Clinical Education. Students should follow emergency procedures and protocols at their specific clinical site.

Law Enforcement Relationships
The Provo Police Department holds jurisdiction over the Noorda-COM campus and is responsible for the investigation of alleged criminal activity. All individuals, whether they belong to the College community or not, are subject to all federal, state, and local laws while on the Noorda-COM Campus and/or associated facilities and may be subject to criminal charges. The Noorda-COM Security Department is mandated to notify Provo City Police in situations of a serious crime or if death occurs.

Safety and Security Committee
The Safety and Security Committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students, is tasked with enhancing security at all associated Noorda-COM facilities. The Committee develops, recommends, reviews, and monitors all safety measures including the:

  • Development of physical and electronic security measures
  • Development and maintenance of the crisis management plan
  • Coordination with community Emergency Response organizations

Security Escorts
An on-campus security escort to buildings and/or vehicles parked in and around Noorda-COM property is available to all College members year-round. If at a clinical site, students are to contact the designated security officer for an escort.

Crisis Management Plan
Noorda-COM maintains a detailed crisis management plan that provides a comprehensive guide to manage emergency situations, allowing for a rapid response. Emergencies should immediately be reported by first dialing 911 then contact the Security Department. The security officer on duty is responsible for confirming the emergency, communicate with emergency responders, and contact the Head of Security or the Chief Financial Officer.

Situations requiring immediate campus-wide attention will be issued via Everbridge, the mass notification system including the situation, severity, and actions that should be taken. All College members are required to update their contact information with the Office of the Registrar or Human Resources with the name, phone number(s), and email address(es).

Crime Prevention Education & Awareness
Regular and on-going education is provided to all College members both in-person and online. Fire drills, campus evacuations, and testing of emergency notifications are conducted annually. Each event is documented with a description, date, time, and whether the test was announced or unannounced. College members are provided with information on evacuation procedures and Shelter in Place training and protocols.

Inclement Weather
Determinations of College closure based on inclement weather will be determined by the Crisis Management Team on a case-by-case basis. Communication requiring immediate campus-wide attention will be issued via Everbridge, including the severity of weather, instructions for daily operations, and timelines on returning to campus.

Students on clinical clerkships are required to follow the clinical site’s schedule regarding inclement weather. If a site is closing due to inclement weather, the student is excused until further notice. If a clinical site remains open, students must report and remain on-service until the end of their shift. Students should use caution and allow themselves plenty of time to reach their destination.

Annual Security Report
In compliance with regulations set forth by the Department of Education’s Clery Act, Noorda-COM’s Annual Security Report can be found on the website.

The Security Department maintains a crime log, which is made available for public inspection. The crime log includes the nature of a crime, date, time, general location, and the disposition of the complaint (if known), which occur on campus, in a non-campus building or property, public property, or within the department’s patrol jurisdiction. The Security Department is obliged to post new incidents within two (2) business days of receiving the report.

Security Department Contact Information
Steve Smith, Head of Security


This policy was reviewed and revised in February 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (