Demonstrations and Disruptive Conduct Policy

Noorda-COM is committed to academic freedom, civil discourse, open inquiry and the exchange of ideas, free from coercion or retaliation. This commitment is vital to Noorda- COM’s educational mission to “empower our students with the essential personal and professional skills need to be competent, confident, and compassionate osteopathic physicians dedicated to meeting the healthcare challenges of the communities in which they serve.” Noorda-COM encourages constructive dialogue around issues and may provide resources to facilitate discussions on topics that impact or align with Noorda- COM’s mission and values.

As a private institution, College Property is not a public forum. To maintain an environment conducive to learning, to protect the safety of the campus community and visitors, and to preserve College Property, Demonstrations and Disruptive Conduct are not permitted on or within College Property. Further, College Units may not sponsor, support with college resources, or promote Demonstrations or Disruptive Conduct.

This policy does not apply to non-College Property, including public sidewalks and property adjacent to College Property. For activities outside of College Property, demonstrators should consult with local authorities about applicable regulations.

Prohibited Behaviors

To maintain an environment conducive to learning, to protect the safety of the campus community and visitors, and to preserve College Property, Disruptive Conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following prohibited behaviors

  • Preventing, disrupting, or interrupting college functions or activities, such as classes, lectures, meetings, ceremonies, performances, or other events, or the conduct of college business on College Property
  • Occupying College Property that is closed or locked
  • Obstructing the legitimate movement of any person or vehicle on College Property or access to or exit from any College Property
  • Constructing, assembling, or placing temporary structures on College Property
  • Tampering with College Property or affixing signs and banners to interiors or exteriors of buildings
  • Defacing or damaging College Property or personal property in a manner that requires escorts to return the property to its previous condition