Employee Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Policy
The Employee Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Policy is a shared statement of our commitment to upholding the ethical, professional, and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decisions and actions. We all must be aware of and comply with the relevant policies, standards, laws and regulations that guide our work. We are each individually accountable for our own actions and, as members of the Noorda-COM community, we are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behavior and for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies.
Employees at Noorda-COM are expected to act at all times in a manner befitting members of a professional community of learners, educators, and support staff. They are expected to maintain and exhibit the highest level of integrity in all of their behaviors, conducting themselves with respect for others and a commitment to their respective professions.
This policy was reviewed and revised in March 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (adlevine@noordacom.org).