Criminal Background Check and Drug Screen Policy

Students are required to undergo a background check and drug screen prior to matriculation, towards the completion of their second year, and possibly prior to graduation, at their own expense. These screenings must be performed by a certifying organization retained by Noorda-COM in order to satisfy federal and state requirements for individuals participating in clinical activities involving patient care, including clinical clerkships and early clinical experiences.

Drug Screen

Prior to matriculation, all students matriculating into Noorda-COM will have a drug screening performed at their own expense. Students will be required to undergo an additional drug screening towards the completion of the second year prior to promotion to third year and clinical clerkships. The drug screening will be performed by a certifying organization retained by Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine. The purpose of the drug screening is to satisfy federal and state requirements for individuals participating in clinical activities involving patient care, including clinical clerkships and early clinical experiences. A positive drug screening may result in denial of acceptance into the COM.

This policy was reviewed and revised in March 2024. For assistance with policies and procedures, please contact Alexa Levine (